The Weird and Wonderful Birth of the God-Man
Matthew 1:18–25 | Preached by Benjamin Vrbicek
The Murderous Nature of Unbelief and the Life-Giving Gospel
John 11:45-57 | Preached by Ron Smith
Beholding: When the Only Place to Look Is Up
Hebrews 11:1–2, 13–19, 39–40 | Preached by Benjamin Vrbicek
Altars: When Following God Requires Sacrifice
Genesis 22:1-8 | Preached by Benjamin Vrbicek
Intercession: Our Role When the World Seems on Fire
Genesis 18:16-33 | Preached by Ben Bechtel
Temptation: When the Wrong Voices Offer Shortcuts to Success
Genesis 16:1-16 | Preached by Benjamin Vrbicek