Community 101
Are you new to Community? Do you want to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and why we do what we do as Christians here in Harrisburg? Community 101 is a class that is devoted to diving deeper into the foundations of our life together as a church. We set out to consider and offer helpful answers to questions you may have. Questions like…
What is the Bible and how does it relate to the gospel of Jesus Christ?
What does it mean to follow Jesus in a Christian community?
How do we grow as followers of Christ?
What do we believe about God, sin, salvation, and our eternal destiny? How does it confront the creeds of our culture today?
What is the mission of the church in the world?
What does it mean to be a formal member of a church, specifically here at Community?
Community 101 is held multiple times throughout the year. Contact David McHale for details.
It is good and right to tether ourselves to a community of believers in formal membership. We need the care, love, protection, and discipline of one particular body and its leadership. Membership is just that. One pastor says, “Church membership is a formal relationship between a local church and a Christian characterized by the church’s affirmation and oversight of a Christian’s discipleship and the Christian’s submission to living out his or her discipleship in the care of the church.”[1]
In membership, the pastor-elder team at Community commends to our church and the world that you are indeed a Christian, regardless how experienced and mature you may be. The requirements for membership are repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, as well as a commitment to grow in love, serve, and build up the body of which you are a member.
You can apply to become a member at any time at the button below. Once we receive your application, we will schedule a meeting with two of our pastor-elders, during which we will dialogue with you about your story of redemption in Christ. Furthermore, we will discuss what it means to be a member of our church and how you can get involved, connected, and active in building up the Body of Christ.
[1] Leeman, Jonathan. Church Membership. 9Marks International Ministries, 2017. 64.